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Physico-chemical characterization of olive-oil mill wastewaters of Ben Karrich area (Tetouan province, North of Morocco) and optimization study of their treatment using activated carbon

Dorsaf Bouharat, Farida EL Yousfi, Anas Ellaghdach, Badr Dine Souhail, Nabila Slimani Alaoui


A physio-chemical characterization of olive oil mill wastewater (OMW) obtained from a continuous two-phases olive oil extraction process is presented. High organic load of OMW from Ben Karrich region has been registered. The values of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total phenolic compounds were 84.5 g of O2/L and 3.79 g/L, respectively. In this sense, a treatment using activated carbon as adsorbent was proposed. Results have shown high removal percentages in total phenolic compounds (98%) and COD (90%). The optimal operating conditions were 4 g of activated carbon and adsorbing time equal to 5 minutes.

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