Publication Fee

After submission; a free of charge procedure; your manuscript will be evaluated by experts in your field. Your manuscript may be accepted directly for publication or some revisions may be required before publication. In these two cases, a publication fee per article must be paid which covers a portion of the costs for the journal maintenance and the acquisition of open access for your article. You will receive a printable receipt by email and you may pay directly through your bank or by other payment Modes (Western Union, MoneyGram, PayPal...). 

After payment, you will receive the editorial comments, in order to make the request corrections. Then, the full text of your work will be displayed.

Publication fee: To provide an open access to the accepted manuscripts, authors pay the corresponding fee.
We charge the publication fee by manuscript:

90 USD for manuscripts exceeding 10 pages.
70 USD for manuscripts equal to or less than 9 pages.