Removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution using synthetic clay type MgAl-LDH: Characterization, Isotherm and thermodynamic studies

Removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution using synthetic clay type MgAl-LDH: Characterization, Isotherm and thermodynamic studies


  • Ahmed Zaghloul Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • Abdejalil Ait Ichou Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • Ridouan Benhiti Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • M'hamed Abali Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • Amina Soudani Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • Mohamed Chiban Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • Mohamed Zerbet Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco
  • Fouad Sinan Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco



The MgAl-LDH adsorbent (2:1) was developed by the urea method and used as an adsorbent for the removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution. The synthesized adsorbent was characterized by a different analytical technique: scanning electron microscope SEM, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The effect of adsorption parameters such as solution pH, initial concentration of dye, and the temperature was studied using a static system. X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples confirms the crystal structure of the MgAl-LDH material. The MgAl-LDH adsorbent was efficient in removing MO from aqueous solution, and maximum removal of 98.5 % was observed in the pH range from 2 to 10. The maximum adsorption capacity of MgAl-LDH (2:1) was calculated from the Langmuir isotherm; the maximum quantity is 1250 mg. g-1. The determination of the thermodynamic parameters indicates that the reaction between methyl orange and MgAl-LDH (2:1) is spontaneous and exothermic (ΔH°<0 and ΔG°<0).It can be concluded that LDH adsorbent can be used effectively for the removal of anionic dyes from industrial wastewater.

Author Biographies

Ahmed Zaghloul, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

Chemistry, phD student

Abdejalil Ait Ichou, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

Chemistry, phD student

Ridouan Benhiti, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

Chemistry, phD student

M'hamed Abali, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

Chemistry, phD student

Amina Soudani, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

chemistry, professor

Mohamed Chiban, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

chemistry, professor

Mohamed Zerbet, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

chemistry, professor

Fouad Sinan, Laboratory LACAPE, Faculty of Science, University Ibn Zohr, BP. 8106, Hay Dakhla, Agadir, Morocco

chemistry, professor


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Physical Chemistry