Comparative Study on the Determination of Rare Earth Elements by ICP-OES

Comparative Study on the Determination of Rare Earth Elements by ICP-OES


  • Azza Fahmy Elwakil Nuclear Matrials Authority



Matrix interference is a problem during the rare earth elements determination by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) in geological rock samples. An international standard rock sample (GS-N) was used to construct the calibration curves and minimize the effect of interference. The physical parameters of the instrument were adjusted, and the most sensitive line was chosen for each element with a detection limit ranging from 5 to 50 ppb and RSD% not exceed to 1.2. On the other hand, the incomplete digestion due to the presence of some acid resistance minerals, including rare earth elements such as zircon, is another problem that was overcome by alkali fusion digestion, international standard rock sample (MA-N) was used to evaluate the results.

The granitic sample was collected from Ras Abdah area, Safaga city, The Red Sea Coast and digested by acids (H.F. and H2SO4) and by alkali fusion with (Na2CO3 and H3BO4) to determine the rare earth elements by using the calibration curves made by (GS-N) classic rock and compare the results, the rare earth contents were normalized to chondrite abundance in each case of digestion to confirm the obtained results. 

Author Biography

Azza Fahmy Elwakil, Nuclear Matrials Authority

Associated professor, Chemical analysis department


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Analytical Chemistry