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Angular Momentum Transfer at the Chemo-ionization and Spin Exchange Processes. Interaction between Spin Polarized Metastable Helium Atoms

Victor Kartoshkin


In the collision of spin-polarized atoms, the transmission of electron polarization between colliding particles is possible. A similar situation occurs in a collision, for example, between alkali atoms in the ground state. If one of the colliding particles is in an excited state and its energy is sufficient for ionization of the collision partner, then along with the elastic process (spin exchange), an inelastic process (ionization) is also possible, as a result of these processes polarization can also be transferred to the partner. Simultaneously occurring elastic and inelastic processes at the collision between two helium atoms are possible if these atoms are in the metastable (23S1) state. The paper discusses the interaction between spin-polarized metastable atoms of helium-3 and helium-4 isotopes under conditions of optical pumping of atoms. Complex interaction potentials of the atoms under consideration were constructed and on their basis, the spin exchange and chemo-ionization cross-sections were calculated. Using these cross-sections, expressions for the transfer of orientation and alignment from one atom to another were obtained.

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