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Correlation Analysis of the viscosity Arrhenius-type equations parameters for some binary liquids mixtures

Ahlam Abdulaziz Alarfaj, Rami B. H. Kacem, Lotfi Snoussi, Narcisa Vrinceanu, Mishael A. Alkhaldi, Nora O. Alzamel, Noureddine Ouerfelli


The analysis of fluids physicochemical properties, particularly the liquids viscosity, is important for the optimization of industrial processes and products. For that, several empirical and semi-empirical equations have been proposed in the literature to study the viscosity of pure liquids and binary liquid mixtures. In this context, Messaâdi et al. have recently proposed an equation correlating the two parameters of the viscosity Arrhenius-type equation, such as the activation energy (Ea) and the pre-exponential factor (As), for 75 pure solvents. This paper aims to extend their model to binary liquid mixtures. To achieve this purpose, statistical analysis is made using data sets from the literature of some solvent binary mixtures at different compositions and temperatures. The validation of the extended Messaâdi-Dhouibi equation for binary liquid mixtures simplifies the estimation of viscous behavior and the ensuing calculations. It is very useful for engineering data which permits to estimate one non-available parameter when the second one is available.

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