Preparation of steroidal hormones with an emphasis on transformations of phytosterols and cholesterol - a review

Preparation of steroidal hormones with an emphasis on transformations of phytosterols and cholesterol - a review


  • Yosef Al Jasem Department of Chemical
  • Mubashar Khan Petroleum Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Ahmed Taha Central University Library
  • Thies Thiemann Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



Today, there is a big market for steroidal hormones as well as for their derivatives. This review traces the development in steroidal production from the first milligram-scale isolation of the products to their semi-synthesis from sapogenins, their total synthesis and finally their microbial enzymatic preparation from phytosterols.


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Organic Chemistry