Changes of Physicochemical composition of Moroccan bovine’s milk along the years

Changes of Physicochemical composition of Moroccan bovine’s milk along the years


  • Marouane Chrif Faculty of Sciences Rabat Agdal
  • Abderrahim El hourch Professor of higher education at the Faculty of Sciences Rabat Agdal-Morocco
  • Selma Chouni
  • Abdelhakim Bouyahya Laboratory of Human Pathologies Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
  • Abdallah El abidi Chief Doctor of the health and environment pole at the national institute of hygiene of Rabat



Milk production in Morocco has increased in recent years to meet local demand. For this reason, this work was carried out in order to study the evolution of the main factors of physicochemical variation of fresh mixture milk of the cow harvested in Moroccan farms and cooperatives, by comparing them with the results of research carried out in Morocco during the last century. 52 samples were taken to represent the different periods of the year. The results showed that the physicochemical properties studied were not significantly improved over the years. Thus, the protein content (3.05%) decreased concerning the fat content (3.57%) in recent decades. This change is mainly related to lactation, cow diet and climate change. Overall, these results could help further studies aimed at controlling the physicochemical properties of milk, taking into account the factors mentioned.


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Food Chemistry