Evaluation of First Response ® HCV card test as a reliable rapid test for HCV detection
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a global health issue causing approximatively 500000 deaths each year. Untreated, chronic HCV infection can lead to progressive hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, and hepatocellular carcinoma. There is a strong need for an effective vaccine that protects against the different genotypes of HCV but the prevention still represents an enormous challenge.
HCV was first identified in 1989 using molecular methods at the Chiron Corporation, but to date, the virus has never been visualized or grown in cell culture. The general nowadays method of detecting infection with HCV is to observe the presence of antibodies to the virus by an EIA enzyme immunoassays method followed by confirmation with Western Blot. A Rapid Anti-HCV Test; based on immuno-chromatography; is a simple, visual qualitative test that detects antibodies in human serum or plasma within 15 minutes.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the performance and compare the results obtained by two HCV detection platforms with high throughput Advia Centaur XP (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, USA) and First Response ® HCV Card Test HCV (Premier Medical Corporation Limited).
These data could help in HCV control and understanding and hopefully, in vaccine design and development, moreover to identify a reliable test to evaluate and prevent HCV infection.
Full Text:
Recep KesliAn- Overview of the Laboratory Assay Systems and Reactives Used in the Diagnosis of
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infections. Trends in Immunolabelled and Related Techniques- Chapter 21
ISBN 978-953-51-0570-1 InTech- 27, April, 2012.
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